Friday, August 18, 2017

Kalpitiya City

Kalpitiya peninsular is one of the most tourist attracted city in Sri Lanka where the island and the beaches are very famous among the foreign tourists more than  Sri Lankans. Two main tourists seasons are there for visiting Kalpitiya, one season for dolphin and Whale watching between October and May where the other season falls on July for the kite surfing.We reached Kalpitiya through the A3 Colombo Puttlam highway and by turning left from the Palavi junction. The road along the beautiful Puttam Lagoon and newly built wind mills can be seen regularly.Kalpitiya is an ancient trading hub ran by the Portuguese.

Beauty of the road side 

Wind Mills at Kalpitiya 
Wind mills can be seen all over the city where the mills are situated in rows. The wings in each tower rotate with different speeds making a small noise but of course its a beautiful sight.

Norochchole power station

When you pass the city of Norochchole along the Kalpitiya road you can see the 3 power plants of the so  called Lakwijaya power station the biggest power station of Sri Lanka. 

Bar Reef at Kalpitiya 

It is the largest coral reef of Sri Lanka where the tourists who are interested in watching the diversity of the reef can take a boat ride from the city as well as the Scuba Divers and Snorkelers are welcomed by a number of tour guides and diving schools situated in the area.  

Kite Surfing in Kalpitiya

Kite Surfing takes place only in the wind season where a lot of foreigners comes with their Kites and Surfing boards on their back. We did see them take rented 3wheelers and bikes to reach the dutch bay in order to enjoy their surfing. Dutch bay is a safe and ideal place for kite surfing where the water level is not very high and the wind is suitable for the kites. 

Beautiful Sandy Beaches in Kalpitiya 

Some beaches along the reef of Kalpitiya is very safe and beautiful ideal for sea bathing. 
Coral pieces and beautiful sea shells are all over the shore and the sand dunes are visible due to the powerful wind near the shore.Of course the beaches are not polluted like the ones in other areas of the island.

Traveling Tips

* Beach Cabanas and very small hotels can be found easily in Kalpitiya but the prices are little bit high compared to the other places. Of course the food is very expensive and its better to buy the groceries  snacks or some food from the Palavi junction before turning to Kalpitiya road. 
* Whale and Dolphin watching or diving can be arranged easily if you follow the advertising boards along the road.

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